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A member registered Oct 09, 2020

Recent community posts

Hi, I really like your game so far, but I've gotten to a point where I don't have any more quests and no one will talk to me. Any tips on quests I might be missing? Any help is appreciated.

(1 edit)

So I can download it just fine, but when I try to move it into the game file folder it just disappears. I allowed both the game files and that specific file through my anti virus and the same thing still happens. Any idea what could be happening?

Edit: Turns out I'm dumb and had two different anti virus programs installed. I uninstalled one and set the permissions on the other. After that I redownloaded the game entirely. This time the missing file was there and the game launched. Thanks for the help in trouble shooting, I look forward to seeing this game progress, and if I get a job this summer expect a new patron!

Hi, I have played your game before and wanted to redownload it to play the rework. When I try to play the game however i says "The code execution cannot proceed because nw_elf.dll was not found." How do I fix this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!